I knew they had at least 2 weeks until the deadline, because WTBT$ missed theirs also. Then when they did finally submit it it was too large for the clerk's office.
Newly Enlightened
JoinedPosts by Newly Enlightened
Update on Candace Conti case...
by Newly Enlightened init looks like candce's lawyer is pulling the same thing wtbt$ does.
respondant did not file their brief on time:.
Another Newbie?
by DJS ini guess i'm a newbie.
i've been reading (lurking) for a looooonnnnnggggg time, but have finally joined and this is my first post.
my story is of course very similar to all the others.
Newly Enlightened
Welcome DJS! Glad to have you here with us.
My name is Michael.
by new hope and happiness inresearch has shown that " generally" the best way to challenge someone is to use their first name.
to me being addressed by my name " michael" and addressing someone by their christian name is more friendly than using a title.
i think it would also make it easier for elders to accept someones different point of view if they referrd to the brother by therir christian name.
Newly Enlightened
Welcome to the forum Michael, glad to have you here with us!
Name Jehovah
by allyouneedislove ini have a question regarding the name "jehovah".. is yahweh an english translation of the name?
if not, and some say that we don't know exactly how it should be translated, what about the argument the wt makes regarding "we do not know how jesus' name was originally said either".
other bible translations translate names like "jeremiah" from their original language.
Newly Enlightened
Catholics themselves wonder why JW's/WTBT$ took an invented Catholic name for God, for their own organization:
Name Jehovah
by allyouneedislove ini have a question regarding the name "jehovah".. is yahweh an english translation of the name?
if not, and some say that we don't know exactly how it should be translated, what about the argument the wt makes regarding "we do not know how jesus' name was originally said either".
other bible translations translate names like "jeremiah" from their original language.
Newly Enlightened
Even WTBT$ admits it:
WT 1980 2/1 pg 11-13
THAT the divine name was used in early history is beyond question. But what about later times? Why have certain Bible translations omitted the name? And what is its meaning and significance to us?
Interestingly, Raymundus Martini, a Spanish monk of the Dominican order, first rendered the divine name as “Jehova.” This form appeared in his book PugeoFidei, published in 1270 C.E.—over 700 years ago.
In time, as reform movements developed both inside and outside the Catholic Church, the Bible was made available to the people in general, and the name “Jehovah” became more widely known. In 1611 C.E. the King James or Authorized Version of the Bible was published. It uses the name Jehovah four times. (Ex. 6:3; Ps. 83:18; Isa. 12:2; 26:4) Since then, the Bible has been translated many, many times. Some translations follow the example of the AuthorizedVersion and include the divine name only a few times.
In this category is AnAmericanTranslation (by Smith and Goodspeed) with a slight variation of using “Yahweh” instead of “Jehovah.” Yet, one may ask: “Why have the translators done this? If using ‘Jehovah’ or ‘Yahweh’ is wrong, why put it in at all? If right, why not be consistent and use it every time it appears in the Bible text?”
Do You Believe Gods name is Jehovah and why?
by sarahsmile inmany internet sites claiming that god's names is jehovah.. do you believe it is the name of god?.
Newly Enlightened
Check this little gem out:
WTBT$ even admits it: WT 1980 2/1 pg 11-13
Divine Name in Later TimesTHAT the divine name was used in early history is beyond question. But what about later times? Why have certain Bible translations omitted the name? And what is its meaning and significance to us?
Interestingly, Raymundus Martini, a Spanish monk of the Dominican order, first rendered the divine name as “Jehova.” This form appeared in his book PugeoFidei, published in 1270 C.E.—over 700 years ago.
In time, as reform movements developed both inside and outside the Catholic Church, the Bible was made available to the people in general, and the name “Jehovah” became more widely known. In 1611 C.E. the King James or Authorized Version of the Bible was published. It uses the name Jehovah four times. (Ex. 6:3; Ps. 83:18; Isa. 12:2; 26:4) Since then, the Bible has been translated many, many times. Some translations follow the example of the AuthorizedVersion and include the divine name only a few times.
In this category is AnAmericanTranslation (by Smith and Goodspeed) with a slight variation of using “Yahweh” instead of “Jehovah.” Yet, one may ask: “Why have the translators done this? If using ‘Jehovah’ or ‘Yahweh’ is wrong, why put it in at all? If right, why not be consistent and use it every time it appears in the Bible text?”
Against the preceding historical and factual background, let us now examine what the translators say in answer.
Says the Preface of AnAmericanTranslation: “In this translation we have followed the orthodox Jewish tradition and substituted ‘the Lord’ for the name ‘Yahweh.’ ” But by following “the orthodox Jewish tradition,” did the translators realize how harmful it can be to ignore God’s clear determination that his ‘name be declared in all the earth’? Moreover, Jesus condemned man-made tradition that would invalidate God’s word.—Ex. 9:16; Mark 7:5-9.
The Preface of the RevisedStandardVersion states: “The present revision returns to the procedure of the King James Version, which follows . . . the long established practice in the reading of theHebrew scriptures in the synagogue.... For two reasons the Committee has returned to the more familiar usage of the King James Version: (1) The word ‘Jehovah’ does not accurately represent any form of the Name ever used in Hebrew; and (2) the use of any proper name for the one and only God, as though there were other gods from whom he had to be distinguished, was discontinued in Judaism before the Christian era and is entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian Church.” (Italics ours.)
The translators made a great mistake in following the example of the KingJamesVersion and Jewish tradition. Did they really think it was God’s will that his name should be kept in the background? Is the divine name something to be ashamed of so that it should be left out of the Bible?
Update on Candace Conti case...
by Newly Enlightened init looks like candce's lawyer is pulling the same thing wtbt$ does.
respondant did not file their brief on time:.
Newly Enlightened
I know it. I hope they don't screw it up for Candace
Another Newbie
by Skinnedsheep ini recently came to the realization that the organization is corrupt and is false.
my story is similar to many i think.
i was raised in the religion, pioneered and served as an elder for a number of years.
Newly Enlightened
Hi and WELCOME to all of you new ones that I have missed int he past week or 2. It's been a crazy circus here.
All of you new ones, we understand how you feel, we went thru the same thing 8 months ago. It's very traumatic to be raised a JW, I knew nothing else, only to find that you've been led to by the WTBT$. Yes, I barely survived the 1975 fiasco. I was a pre-teen at that time.
All I did was ask my family, "If Jesus is the head of the congregation, then where is he in the picture???? [ Study WT 4/13 pg 29] But because of that one little question my family all assumed that I was turning 'apostate' and started shunning me. So yep, then I started visiting the websites. So be careful of what you say or question in front of your friends & family.
Check out JWFacts it's a good one.
But take your time. It does get better with time.
Peace to all of you in your journey
Update on Candace Conti case...
by Newly Enlightened init looks like candce's lawyer is pulling the same thing wtbt$ does.
respondant did not file their brief on time:.
Newly Enlightened
It looks like Candce's lawyer is pulling the same thing WTBT$ does. Respondant did not file their brief on time:
03/29/2013 Pro hac vice granted BY THE COURT: Upon due consideration, the verified application of Mario F. Moreno to appear as counsel pro hac vice for appellant Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc. in the above-referenced appeal is granted. 03/29/2013 Order filed. BY THE COURT: Upon due consideration, appellant Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc.'s application to file an opening brief in excess of 14, 000 words is granted. The clerk of the court is ordered to file appellant Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc.'s 15, 352-word brief as of the date of this order. 03/29/2013 Appellant's opening brief. Defendant and Appellant: The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc.
Attorney: Robert Jerry Schnack05/29/2013 Respondent notified re failure to file respondent's brief. Plaintiff and Respondent: Jane Doe
Attorney: Kelly I. KraetschClick here to request automatic e-mail notifications about this case.
Our family's crucifixion Part: 2
by Newly Enlightened inoh man what a week!
where to begin?.
so, on mon the 13 th we had our video released by jj/ray of jwstruggle, which is going great and we've had some great supportive comments, but we sent the link to a friend of ours who is a current jw but knows ttatt, and he replies, "why would you do something like that?
Newly Enlightened
We did have Cousin Elder tell us that he stared studying in 1969 and he never heard anything about 1975 being the END [ Big 'A'] at that time coming from the society, so I did go get the articles from the Awake 1968 & 69 where they positively did say we only have a few short years and gave those to him. No comment. Sometimes you just can't get thru the mind control